1:50 PM
New development of X-band LLRF for PAL-XFEL Linearizer
1:54 PM
Piezo driver for spoke and elliptical cavities of ESS project linac production and installation status
1:58 PM
Measurement uncertainty in the RF system control of a particle accelerator
2:02 PM
Technical Design Considerations on the Low Level RF System for KOREA 4-GSR
2:06 PM
HIAF-Bring Magnetic Alloy Loaded RF System Design and Testing
2:10 PM
Status of the PEG in-kind contribution to the ESS LLRF systems integration and installation
2:14 PM
Design of the LLRF control system for MA cavity at CSNS RCS
2:18 PM
Status upgrade on the BESSY-II LLRF modernization and future plans
2:22 PM
Design of the digital LLRF system for TRIUMF ISIS buncher
2:26 PM
Status Update of Continuous Wave and Long Pulse tests on XM46.1 and X3M2
2:30 PM
Implementation of microwave with arbitrary amplitude and phase for the DCLS
2:34 PM
2:38 PM
Closed Loop Testing of Microphonics Algorithms Using a Cavity Emulator
2:42 PM
Control software design based-on EPICS and CS-Studio for HEPS booster RF system
2:46 PM
Dual Frequency Master Oscillator Generation and Distribution for ALS and ALS-U
2:50 PM
A Hybrid Architecture for the LLRF System of the Fermilab Mu2e Project
2:54 PM
MTCA.4 based LLRF control system for the J-PARC MR
2:58 PM
Low-level radiofrequency system upgrade for the Dalian Coherent Light Source
3:02 PM
A low-delay reference tracking algorithm for microwave measurement and control
3:06 PM
LLRF System Considerations for a Compact, Commercial C-band Accelerator using the AMD Xilinx RF-SoC
3:10 PM
3:14 PM
Insights and Conclusions from Operating the CERN Linac4 LLRF System
3:18 PM
Simulation of muti-harmonic adaptive feedforward control for magnetic alloy cavity
3:22 PM
Digital LLRF system for SESRI Proton and Heavy Ion Accelerator Complex Injector
3:26 PM
Development of 499.8 MHz RF Control System for HEPS Booster Ring
3:30 PM
Introduction of a digital LLRF system at the STF vertical test stand at KEK
3:34 PM
Diamond Digital Low Level RF
3:38 PM
Python-EPICS RF Conditioning Automatic Control System in the Spallation Neutron Source
3:42 PM
The fast RF interlock system for CAFe II linac
3:46 PM
RF measurement in SHINE cavity and cryomodule test stands
3:50 PM
3:55 PM
Development and Commissioning of a Bunch-by-Bunch Phase Measurement Module for the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron Beam-Based Loops
4:00 PM
Performance of FPGA controllers in ISAC-1 accelerator chain
4:04 PM
The LCLS-II-HE SRF gun development
4:08 PM
The microwave amplitude and phase setting based on event timing for the DCLS
4:12 PM
Concept of the Real-time Monitoring System for the ESS Phase Reference Line
4:16 PM
Operation of a LLRF System for RAON Low Energy LINAC
4:20 PM
A digital RF control system design for the 2GeV FFA accelerator 1:4 down-scale cavity
4:24 PM
Tests at 2K of the beta 0.35 Spoke Cryomodule prototype with the MTCA.4-based Low Level RF System prototype for the MYRRHA R&D
4:28 PM
DLLRF controller for superconducting third harmonic cavity by developed at SSRF
4:32 PM
Testing of the BARC LLRF and RFPI systems for the PIP-II Linac
4:36 PM
Status of DLLRF system development for Soleil-II Project
4:40 PM
DAQ for JLAB Legacy Analog LLRF Systems
4:44 PM
Approach to calibrate cavity forward and reflected signals using LLRF system for continuous wave-operated cavities
4:48 PM
Commissioning of CW Digital Low-Level RF for 50 MHz Cyclotrons at PSI
4:52 PM
A Python-based LLRF Algorithm Library
4:57 PM
Digital Upgrade of the Low Energy Beam Transport Resonance Control System
5:02 PM
Software Design and Implementation of the SHINE LLRF System
5:07 PM
Status of the beam control renovation of the Proton Synchrotron at CERN
5:12 PM
FW/SW framework for SRF cavity active resonance control
5:17 PM
Online identification algorithm for mathematical model of RF cavity system based on FPGA
5:22 PM
Upgraded Bunch length monitoring system for CEBAF
5:27 PM
PIP-II Beam Pattern Generator Upgrade using an SOCFPGA
5:31 PM
LLRF hardware design in SHINE
5:35 PM
Development Status of LLRF System for KOMAC
5:40 PM
Signal processing architecture of the next generation LLRF systems at PSI
5:45 PM
A Custom Multi-Channel RF Distribution Module for FLASH2020+ RF Reference Generation System
5:50 PM
New RFPI system for the PIP-II accelerating structures
5:55 PM
Upgrade of the SPARC_LAB LLRF system and recent X-band activities in view of EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB project