Oct 22 – 27, 2023
Lahan Select Gyeongju, South Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

New development of X-band LLRF for PAL-XFEL Linearizer

Oct 25, 2023, 1:50 PM
Poster Hardware Posters


Current X-band LLRF for PAL-XFEL has been operated reliably for about 8 years. However, the RF jitter and drift values of the LLRF were relatively big. Therefore, new development of X-band LLRF was initiated a few years ago. Current X-band LLRF in operation had been designed in direct- or single-conversion method between X and IF bands. The new X-band LLRF was designed to run in dual or two step conversion among X, S and IF bands to minimize development efforts by redeveloping only converter between X and S bands and by reusing S-band LLRF. The new LLRF showed about 2 times better values in jitter and drift at lab test. The new LLRF is expected to be installed and verified in July 2023.

Keyword X band, LLRF, PAL-XFEL

Primary author

Jinyul Hu (PAL, POSTECH)


Chang-Ki Min (PAL) Soung Soo Park (PAL, POSTECH) Sang-Hee Kim (PAL, POSTECH) Yong Jung Park (PAL, POSTECH) KwangHoon Kim (PAL, POSTECH) Seonghoon Jung (PAL, POSTECH) Donghyun Na (PAL, POSTECH) Dr Changbum Kim (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) Hoon Heo (PAL, POSTECH)

Presentation materials