Oct 22 – 27, 2023
Lahan Select Gyeongju, South Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

Piezo driver for spoke and elliptical cavities of ESS project linac production and installation status

Oct 25, 2023, 1:54 PM
Poster Hardware Posters


The MTCA.4 based piezo driver has been proposed and developed by the LUT-DMCS engineers as a Polish in-kind to the ESS project. The driver is capable to drive two independent channels dedicated to a single piezo tuner in a single cavity. It has been designed to work for elliptical resonators (M-Beta and H-Beta) with 0 to 200 V output voltage range. Additionally, it can be reconfigured to work in any bipolar or asymmetric range between -190 to 190 V. That is why it will be installed also for the spoke accelerating structures of the same linac.
The current contribution presents the latest status of the piezo driver production and installation in the ESS accelerator. Results from the hardware evaluation and initial tuning performance achieved at the Test Stand 2 facility are discussed too.

Primary author

Wojciech Cichalewski (LUT-DMCS)


Dr Aleksander Mielczarek (LUT-DMCS) Anders Svensson (ESS) Prof. Dariusz Makowski (LUT-DMCS) Mr Perek Piotr (LUT-DMCS) Dr Radoslaw Tomala (LUT-DMCS)

Presentation materials