Oct 22 – 27, 2023
Lahan Select Gyeongju, South Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone


Oct 23, 2023, 4:25 PM
Oral or Poster System and operation System and operation


Mr JING CHEN (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)



The LCLS-II-HE project is a high energy upgrade of the existing LCLS-II superconducting LINAC at SLAC which will increase its baseline energy from 4 GeV to 8 GeV. A new LINAC section L4 will be added with 23 new high gradient cryomodules, 184 SRF cavities, tested to a mean gradient of 22 MV. The LLRF system to control the new cavities will be comprised of 46 HE LLRF rack systems, each outfitted with an updated version of the LCLS-II LLRF system. While average cavity gradient is increased in the new cryomodules, the LLRF field control requirements will remain the same as LCLS-II, i.e., RF regulation within 0.01%, 0.01 deg rms amplitude and phase and resonance control regulation of the cavity frequency < 1Hz. With rich experience from LCLS-II, we present the incorporated lesson learned, planned updates and progress of HE LLRF.

Authors: Jing Chen, Andy Benwell, Jorge Diaz, Andre McCollough, Sonya Hoobler, Larry Doolittle, Shreeharshini Dharanesh Murthy


Primary authors

Mr Andre McCollough (SLAC) Andy Benwell (SLAC) Mr JING CHEN (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Jorge Diaz Cruz (SLAC) Larry Doolittle (LBNL) Shreeharshini Dharanesh Murthy (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Sonya Hoobler (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

Presentation materials