Oct 22 – 27, 2023
Lahan Select Gyeongju, South Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

Digital LLRF system for SESRI Proton and Heavy Ion Accelerator Complex Injector

Oct 25, 2023, 3:22 PM
Poster System and operation Posters


A 300 MeV proton and heavy ion accelerator complex has been designed and constructed by the Institute of Modern Physics for the space environment simulation and research infrastructure (SESRI) project. The linac injector of the accelerator complex is based on normal-conducting rf structures. It consists of an RFQ, a buncher, three DTLs, and two debunchers. The requirements for the rf field stabilities are ±1% in amplitude and ±1 degree in phase during flat-top. To satisfy these requirements, we developed a 108.48 MHz digital low-level RF system based on FPGA and compact PCI bus. This paper will present the design, implementation, and performance test.

Primary author

Dr Ruifeng Zhang (Institute of Modern Physics,CAS)


Prof. Zhe Xu (Institute of Modern Physics,CAS) Prof. Yan Cong (Institute of Modern Physics,CAS) Dr Shilong Li (Institute of Modern Physics,CAS) Dr Xiaodong Han (Institute of Modern Physics,CAS) Mr Ruihuai Zhou (Institute of Modern Physics,CAS)

Presentation materials