Oct 22 – 27, 2023
Lahan Select Gyeongju, South Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

Tests at 2K of the beta 0.35 Spoke Cryomodule prototype with the MTCA.4-based Low Level RF System prototype for the MYRRHA R&D

Oct 25, 2023, 4:24 PM
Poster System and operation Posters


Within the framework of the first phase of MYRRHA (Multi-purpose hYbrid Research Reactor for High-tech Applications) project, as known as MINERVA, IJCLab was assigned with the development of a fully functional Spoke cryomodule prototype development,which was tested at 2K. This prototype integrates two superconducting single spoke cavities, the RF power couplers and the Cold Tuning Systems associated. On the control side, a MTCA.4-based Low Level Radio Frequency (LLRF) system prototype and the Software/EPICS developments have been realized by IJCLab and the SCK•CEN in partnership with the company IOxOS Technologies. The final version of the global system and the results of the tests at 2K are presented, along with future projections.


Primary authors

Mr Christophe Joly (IJCLab (IN2P3/CNRS)) Mr Philippe Della Faille (SCK.CEN)


Mr Cédric Gaudin (IOXOS technologies) Mr Cédric Lhomme (IJCLab (IN2P3/CNRS)) Mr Damien Tourres (LPSC (IN2P3/CNRS)) Dr Frédéric Bouly (LPSC (IN2P3/CNRS)) Mr Frédéric Chatelet (IJCLab (IN2P3/CNRS)) Mr Gilles Olivier (IJCLab (IN2P3/CNRS)) Mr Guillaume Mavilla (IJCLab (IN2P3/CNRS)) Mr Hervé Saugnac (IJCLab (IN2P3/CNRS)) Mr Iván García-Alfonso (IOXOS technologies) Mr Jean-François Yaniche (IJCLab (IN2P3/CNRS)) Mr Jean-Luc Bolli (IOXOS technologies) Mr Matthieu Pierens (IJCLab (IN2P3/CNRS)) Mr Mickael Vanderlinden (SCK.CEN) Mr Nicolas Gandolfo (IJCLab (IN2P3/CNRS)) Mr Olivier Bourrion (LPSC (IN2P3/CNRS)) Mr Sylvain Berthelot (IJCLab (IN2P3/CNRS)) Mr Sébastien Blivet (IJCLab (IN2P3/CNRS)) Mrs Yolanda Gomez-Martinez (LPSC (IN2P3/CNRS))

Presentation materials