SPARC_LAB is a facility designed for the production of FEL radiation and the exploration of advanced acceleration techniques using a high brightness electron photo-injector. Specifically, particle-driven plasma wakefield acceleration (PWFA) necessitates exceptional beam stability, in order to minimize the jitter between the driver and witness beams. This requirement directly translates into RF...
The Korean 4th Generation Storage Ring (4GSR) aims to generate an ultra-low emittance beam of 58 pm rad with a beam energy of 4 GeV and a beam current of 400 mA. Currently, the construction of this facility is underway, with plans for commissioning by the end of 2027. The RF system of the 4GSR consists of 10 normal conducting cavities and associated RF systems, including a high-power RF...
In this paper, the SHIP4LLRF (Scalable Hardware Integrated Platform for LLRF) based on 6U VPX-standard was designed preliminarily, which includes 6U mother board and two HPC FPGA mezzanine cards (FMCs). The ADC and DAC FMC is based on ADS54J60 from TI and LTC2000Y-16 form ADI, respectively. The mother board is based on Xilinx’s KU060, which also features 64-bit DDR4 SDRAM, QSFP and USB3.0...