Nov 13 – 15, 2024
Hotel Lahan, Pohang, Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline
    No deadline

If you have difficulty submitting your abstract through the Indico website,
please submit your abstract to "".

Abstract form

  • Title
  • Contents: Text should not exceed 3000 characters, including footnotes and funding agency
  • Author list and e-mail address (check speaker)
  • Contribution type: Oral / Poster
  • Track: Please check it on the classifications page
  • etc: Please check it out in preview.
  • Download abstract MS Word template (.dotx)


enter image description here


Entry of Authors

Only the primary (first) author should be listed in the "Authors" section of the abstract’s author list on Indico. All other contributors should be added as "Co-authors."

enter image description here

When selected for an oral presentation, the role Speaker will identify the person that will present the contribution in a talk in an oral session.

Otherwise, if you are selected for a poster presentation, the role Speaker will identify the person that will present the poster during a poster session.

The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.