Nov 13 – 15, 2024
Hotel Lahan, Pohang, Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone
The JKPS paper submission deadline has been extended to midnight on January 31, 2025.

Design and Beam Off-Line Performance Evaluation of the Machine Protection System for the RAON

Nov 14, 2024, 1:00 PM
1h 30m
2F Poster Hall

2F Poster Hall

Board: WG1-14
Poster ICABU WG1. Accelerator Systems ICABU Poster Session


eunsang kwon (institute for basic science)


The RAON is a sophisticated system designed for advanced scientific experiments using high-energy particle beams. These high-power beams pose significant risks, potentially causing equipment damage and safety hazards. To mitigate these risks, a reliable Machine Protection System (MPS) is essential for ensuring the safe operation of the accelerator. The RAON MPS was developed with three primary objectives: preventing equipment damage due to beam loss, ensuring the safety of superconducting cavities, and providing a rapid beam shutdown mechanism. The system is designed to respond within 50µs to prevent damage from high-power beams. This paper presents the design of the RAON MPS and evaluates its performance through beam off-line tests. The results show that the MPS can shut down the beam within 3µs of a fault signal, well within the design target of 10µs. These findings confirm the system’s reliability in safeguarding the accelerator and highlight potential areas for further system improvements to enhance operational efficiency.

Contribution track ICABU WG1. Accelerator Systems

Primary author

eunsang kwon (institute for basic science)


Prof. Hoyoung Yoo (Chungnam National University) Dr Hyun Man JANG (institute for basic science) Mijeong Park (IBS/IRIS) Sang-Gil Lee (IRIS/IBS)

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