Masashi Otani
The Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) linac has been operated with a design peak current of 50 mA since 2018, and several test operations have been performed at a higher peak current of 60 mA. Furthermore, an even higher beam current is being investigated for future projects at J-PARC. To achieve such high beam currents, it is essential to understand beam dynamics and minimize beam loss: minimizing beam extinction when generating intermediate beam pulses for injection into the downstream ring accelerator, and optimizing the lattice to control intra-beam stripping. In this talk, we present recent results from the beam commissioning in the J-PARC linac.
Contribution track | ICABU WG2. Beam Physics, Diagnostics & Novel Techniques |
Paper submission Plan | No |
Best Presentation | No |
Primary author
Masashi Otani