Nov 13 – 15, 2024
Hotel Lahan, Pohang, Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone
The JKPS paper submission deadline has been extended to midnight on January 31, 2025.

A Comparative Analysis of Neutron Flux from p(7Li,n)7Be and 7Li(p,n)7Be Reactions for the Neutron Radiography Facility of BIBA by Using MCNP6.2 Code

Nov 14, 2024, 1:00 PM
1h 30m
2F Poster Hall

2F Poster Hall

Board: WG2-13
Poster ICABU WG2. Beam Physics, Diagnostics & Novel Techniques ICABU Poster Session


Taekyu Lee (Korea Basic Science Institue(KBSI))


BIBA (Busan Ion Beam Accelerator) is a compact linear accelerator that utilizes a 28 GHz superconducting electron cyclotron resonance ion source (SE-ECRIS) at the KBSI (Korea Basic Science Institute). The primary purpose of BIBA is to produce neutrons for high-resolution radiography and the implantation of multi-charged heavy ions. To operate the neutron radiography facility at BIBA, the ion beam must be accelerated to several MeV/u and interact with a target to generate high-intensity fast neutrons. In conventional quasi-mono-energetic neutron sources, neutrons are produced isotropically through direct reactions on nuclei, such as d(d,p)n or 7Li(p,n)7Be. However, this results in only a fraction of the emitted neutrons being available for irradiating samples, while the majority contributes to the background. To address this issue, natural collimation of neutron beams is employed using inverse kinematics reactions, such as p(7Li,n)7Be, where the projectile is significantly heavier than the target. In this study, we used the MCNP6.2 code to compare the neutron flux from 7Li(p,n)7Be and p(7Li,n)7Be reactions and to evaluate the effectiveness of the inverse kinematics method. The results indicated that the inverse kinematics method is more effective for establishing a compact linear accelerator of neutron radiography facility. In the near future, technical design work on the accelerator, high-power targetry, and target station will be required, and securing core technologies will be essential for the successful launch of BIBA’s neutron radiography facility.

Contribution track ICABU WG2. Beam Physics, Diagnostics & Novel Techniques
Paper submission Plan Yes
Best Presentation No

Primary author

Taekyu Lee (Korea Basic Science Institue(KBSI))


Seoung Jun Kim (Korea Basic Science Institute) Jin Yong Park (Korea Basic Science Institute) Jung-Woo Ok (Korea Basic Science Institute) Jonggi Hong (Korea Basic Science Institute) Jang-Hee Yoon (Korea Basic Science Institute) Byung-Hyun Shin (Korea Basic Science Institute)

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