Nov 13 – 15, 2024
Hotel Lahan, Pohang, Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone
The JKPS paper submission deadline has been extended to midnight on January 31, 2025.

Application of ion irradiation for quantum computing: Implantation of nitrogen containing molecules and sulfur for the realization of spin qubit registers in diamond working at room temperature

Nov 15, 2024, 9:00 AM
5F Grand Hall

5F Grand Hall

Oral ICABU WG4. Applications of Particle Beams Plenary Talk


Dr Max Kneiß (SaxonQ GmbH)


The nitrogen vacancy (NV) center as spin defect in diamond is one of the only physical systems suitable for room temperature quantum computing [1], which might facilitate novel groundbreaking developments in the areas of e.g. drug research, energy harvesting or industrial process optimizations. For this, the electronic and nuclear spin of the negatively charged NV center and surrounding $^{13}$C nuclear spins can be employed as qubit register [1]. Artificial creation of NV centers is possible by nitrogen ion implantation and subsequent annealing. Unfortunately, this process suffers from poor conversion yields of implanted nitrogen to NV centers of < 10% and charge state instabilities [2].

Employing the co-implantation of sulfur as donor and nitrogen containing species such as N, N$_2$ [3] or C$_5$N$_4$H$_n$ [4], we will show that the conversion yield can be drastically increased towards 90% enabling deterministic creation of NV centers [2] as prerequisite for the reliable fabrication of quantum registers. Additionally, the negative charge state is stabilized by the sulfur doping and coupled NV centers are realized for the application in large qubit register arrays. This patented technique lead to the development of the world’s first mobile quantum computer working at room temperature whose operation principle will be presented. The heart of the processor is a 4-qubit quantum register consisting of an NV center and two $^{13}$C nuclear spins coupled to it. Universal quantum gate operations and especially native multi-qubit gates can be performed with high fidelity and quantum entanglement will be demonstrated. Using an intuitive user interface, general quantum algorithms can be run on the processor which calibrates itself automatically.

[1] Pezzagna and Meijer, Appl. Phys. Rev. 8, 011308 (2021)
[2] Lühmann et al., Nature Comm. 10, 4956 (2019)
[3] Dolde et al., Nature Physics 9, 139 (2013)
[4] Haruyama et al., Nature Comm. 10, 2664 (2019)

Contribution track ICABU WG4. Applications of Particle Beams
Paper submission Plan No
Best Presentation No

Primary author

Dr Max Kneiß (SaxonQ GmbH)


Dr Tobias Herzig (SaxonQ GmbH) Dr Nicole Raatz (SaxonQ GmbH) Dr Matthias Mendt (SaxonQ GmbH) Dr Robert Karsthof (SaxonQ GmbH) Dr Evgeny Kreißig (SaxonQ GmbH) Prof. Jan Meijer ((1) SaxonQ GmbH, (2) Felix Bloch Institute for Solid State Physics, Leipzig University) Prof. Marius Grundmann ((1) SaxonQ GmbH, (2) Felix Bloch Institute for Solid State Physics, Leipzig University)

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