Nov 13 – 15, 2024
Hotel Lahan, Pohang, Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone
The JKPS paper submission deadline has been extended to midnight on January 31, 2025.

Status of RFQ Cooler Buncher for rare isotope experiments with Isotope Separation On-Line system

Nov 14, 2024, 9:40 AM
4F Emerald Hall

4F Emerald Hall

Oral ICABU WG3. Beamline and Instrumentation ICABU WG3


Seongjin Heo (IRIS)


The Isotope Separation Online (ISOL) system at the Institute for Rare Isotope Science (IRIS) has successfully produced several rare isotopes (RI). The surface ionized beams produced by the ISOL target were identified by the gamma spectrum measured on HPGe. The ISOL beam transport line was optimized using stable ion beams such as Cs, Na and Sn, and the RI beams were measured using a plastic scintillator and a micro-channel plate (MCP) detector. The Radio Frequency Quadrupole Cooler Buncher (RFQ-CB) and the Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS) are used to transport the ISOL RI beam to the post-accelerator (SCL3) and experimental systems. Recently, an experiment to cool/bunch and charge breed the ISOL RI beam (25Na) and accelerate it at SCL3 was successfully performed. Commissioning is currently underway to send the ISOL RI beam to the MMS and CLS. This presentation will discuss the current status of the ISOL system and the RFQ CB for the RI experiment.

  • max. 3000 characters
Contribution track ICABU WG3. Beamline and Instrumentation
Paper submission Plan No
Best Presentation No

Primary author

Seongjin Heo (IRIS)


Kyoung-hun Yoo (IRIS) Dr Jun-Young Moon (IRIS) Dr Takashi Hashimoto (IRIS) Dr Hee Joong Yim (IRIS) Dr Jin Ho Lee (IRIS)

Presentation materials