- Sang-Wook Han (Jeonbuk National university)
Geant4 was created for precise simulation of high-energy physics experiments to explore the origin of the universe. It provides various physical models of electromagnetic interactions between particles and matter compared to statistical processing of other simulations. In addition, it is widely used not only in the field of high-energy physics but also in various fields such as cosmic...
Radiation plays a crucial role in modern civilization, with applications in medical diagnostics, treatment, and industry. Additionally, in the context of the space age, there is growing interest in understanding the biological effects of radiation on human health and organisms. The biological impact of radiation varies with particle size and charge, with greater biological effects observed...
Thin-film transistors (TFTs) are promising candidates for industrial and medical displays as well as in automotive and aerospace applications because they are cost-effective, low power consumption, high resolution and long lifespan [1]. In order to use it for space application, space radiation effects in TFTs must be evaluated. Therefore, there are many studies about radiation effects in TFTs...
The space is under the influence of extremely low pressure, wide variation in temperature, and strong cosmic rays including particle-beam. It is well-known that cosmic rays often create malfunctions in electronics devices in the space shuttles via the cosmic-ray-induced damages on the chips. To prevent the errors associated with intense cosmic rays and find a way to maintain the device...