Oct 22 – 27, 2023
Lahan Select Gyeongju, South Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

FW/SW framework for SRF cavity active resonance control

Oct 25, 2023, 5:12 PM
Oral or Poster Hardware Posters


Relater to the high precision active motion controller based on ML, we are going to describe the CI/CD pipeline for testing and deploying the FPGA FW and embedded SW for the Xilinx uBlaze processor that is in use at SLAC. We also introduce the different option to accelerate the SW using HLS flow to target FPGA FW blocks that replace the non performing code. Latest part is to describe the porting from of the XILINX uBlaze processor to the RISC-V architecture and design the CI/CD pipeline to obtain the same results with the open source architecture.

Keyword firmware, software, CI/CD, risc-v, hls, machine learning, acceleration

Primary authors

Alessandro Ratti (SLAC) Jorge Diaz Cruz (SLAC)


Andy Benwell (SLAC) Faya Wang (SLAC) Larry Doolittle (LBNL) Shreeharshini Dharanesh Murthy (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) maurizio donna (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

Presentation materials