Nov 13 – 15, 2024
Hotel Lahan, Pohang, Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone
The JKPS paper submission deadline has been extended to midnight on January 31, 2025.

Transient superhydrophilic surface modification of polyimide by metal ion beam irradiation

Nov 14, 2024, 10:30 AM
4F Ruby Hall

4F Ruby Hall



Sunmog Yeo (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)


Polyimide is commonly used as a substrate for flexible electronic devices because of its excellent thermal, physical, and electrical properties. To enhance the adhesion between substrates and electrodes, it is necessary to improve the hydrophilic properties of the polyimide. Various surface treatments such as plasma treatment, laser ablation, and ultraviolet treatments, have been applied for this purpose. In this study, we demonstrated that Cu and Ti ion beam irradiation can temporarily create a superhydrophilic surface on polyimide after irradiation. When Cu or Ti ions bombarded the polyimide, the contact angle changed systematically with the beam current density and over time. We present AFM data for polyimide irradiated with Cu and Ti ions at different beam current densities and discuss the possible mechanisms behind the changes in the contact angle.

Contribution track KOPUA

Primary author

Sunmog Yeo (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)


Prof. YoungJun Yoon (Andong National University) Dr Giwan Jeon (KAERI)

Presentation materials